The term pipework refers to any pipes that compose any machine or building. The term drains refers to the system of pipes that are joined together and drain liquids away from the premises. In very general terms looking after the drainage and pipe work in Glasgow and indeed anywhere else in Scotland falls to two agencies.
The owner of the property is responsible for the drainage system inside the building and the water provider for that which leads up to the premises. In general terms, the water supply pipe runs from the edge of the buildings to the stop valve inside. Both commercial and residential insurance policies will stipulate the extent of the water supply pipe and who is responsible for it.
Burst pipes and the water supply
From bitter and costly experience, I can assure readers that flooding is no laughing matter. The potential for harm is not merely the inconvenience of restricted or even curtailed access to running water, but can seriously damage the property and its contents. At DPG Plus a full and comprehensive CCTV pipework survey is offered as standard.
The survey will identify potential problems, and our fully trained and registered plumbers will advise on the best course of preventative action. The study will also indicate where damage has occurred. At DPG plus we advise that property owners check their insurer as to how often a survey must be undertaken and for which components they are responsible for. On this note, it is highly likely that the insurer will require a clear delimitation of responsibility as a condition of the buildings insurance.
Further considerations
The water communication pipe runs from the water main to the stop-valve and water meter. In some cases the water provider owns either the stop-valve or the communication pipe. In other situations, it could be that the provider owns both. Furthermore, it may transpire that even though they do not own it, the registered property owner may be responsible for maintenance of either or both components. This can be confusing but the onus is not on the water provider to establish the limits of responsibility.
Overall, the water provider is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the water supply into an area such as Glasgow. This responsibility ends once the communication pipe reaches a given property.